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HubSpot Marketing Setup

Full HubSpot Marketing Hub Onboarding in less than 30 days.

Lay the Foundation For Your Marketing Machine


Migrate existing assets to HubSpot


Import and segment contacts in your HubSpot CRM


Customize reporting and dashboards


Implement the full suite of HubSpot marketing tools

Migrate Onto HubSpot


Template Setup

We will use your current branding and website to create aesthetically seamless templates for your blog listing page, individual blog pages, landing pages, website pages, and emails.


Blog Migration

Transfer your existing blog content from your existing WordPress or other blog host into HubSpot without breaking links or interrupting the look and feel.


Asset Migration

Replicate your existing email templates, workflows, sequences, and other assets within the HubSpot platform for improved reporting capabilities. If your existing assets are in need of an upgrade, we will also assist with copy editing and redesigning.

HubSpot CRM Setup


Contacts Import

Migrate your existing contact lists into HubSpot without losing any contact data. Simply send us your CSV file and we’ll take care of formatting and importing your contact lists.


Contact Segmentation

Segment your contacts into dynamic lists based on buyer persona, lifecycle stage, engagement, email subscription, and more. These lists can be used for email blasts, custom report building, workflows, and many other applications.


Custom Properties

HubSpot’s default properties cover the basics for most companies, but we know your business may require niche information from your contacts. We will help you identify and create custom properties so all of your contact data is maintained during the migration onto HubSpot.



Buyer Persona Development

Build a thorough profile of your ideal customer to understand their pain points, challenges, needs, channels, and demeanor. These personas will be the foundation of your inbound marketing strategy, so we’ll help you get it right.




Organize your images, documents, guides, and branded assets within HubSpot’s File Manager. If you already have materials in your HubSpot, we can help you clean up and organize your existing files.

HubSpot Makes Sales and Marketing Alignment Easy

Get started with the HubSpot Sales Hub to inspire collaboration between your sales and marketing teams to drive shared goals.


HubSpot Marketing Data



We will audit your website for existing forms and replace them with HubSpot forms for centralized data collection. We will also make recommendations to strengthen your form conversion rates.


Custom Dashboards

Keep your finger on the pulse of the metrics that matter most to your business with custom dashboards and reports within HubSpot. Choose the KPIs that are most important and receive automated reports delivered directly to your email inbox.



Traffic Analytics

Monitor website traffic, new contacts, visitor-to-contact conversation rates, bounce rates, traffic sources, and average session length with HubSpot’s detailed traffic analytics.


Content Analytics

Measure the performance of your landing pages, blog posts, and HubSpot hosted webpages with content analytics reports. Identify the best performing content with insights into submission rates, page views, CTA clicks, bounce rates, average time on page, and contact conversion rates.


Campaign Analytics

Assign assets such as emails and blog posts to overarching campaigns to effectively segment and analyze data for specific marketing efforts. Use first touch or last touch attribution to determine the number of influenced contacts, customers, deals, and revenue.

Use HubSpot For Your Omnichannel Marketing Strategy


SEO Planning

Develop a strategic content marketing plan using HubSpot’s SEO planning tools to optimize your existing content and plan for future content generation.


Chat Flows

Use live chat and chat bots to engage with your website visitors using HubSpot Conversations. We will design a branded chat window, craft tailored chatflow messaging, help your team set up user profiles, and train your team on live chat best practices.



We will set up authors, tags, meta descriptions, and use other HubSpot SEO tools to optimize and publish your content onto your blog subdomain.


Landing Pages

Branded landing pages designed to convert for eBooks, guides, white papers, data sheets, live demos, event registration, webinar signup, meetings, consultations, requests for quotes, and other gated offers.



Share content, promote special offers, announce new products, and stay connected with your leads and customers alike with email marketing. We’ll connect your email sending domain, design branded email templates, and execute an email marketing strategy to engage with your contact lists.



Connect the key conversion points in your marketing funnel with automated email workflows. We can replicate your existing marketing workflows within HubSpot or help you develop an effective workflow strategy from scratch.


Lead Flow Popups

Design and implement lead flow popups that automatically add submitted information to your HubSpot CRM. Target users based on page scroll, exit intent, or time on page. Tailor your popup messaging and offer to different stages of the buyer’s journey based on page view.


Social Media

Connect your company Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram profiles to HubSpot for consolidated data reporting and pre-scheduling capabilities. Plus, we’ll help your individual team members connect their own LinkedIn profiles so your company’s content can be shared across members of your team to broaden your posts’ reach.



Build a user-friendly conversion path across your website, emails, blogs, and landing pages with branded calls-to-action. Easily track click through rates and CTA views with HubSpot CTA performance reports.

HubSpot Makes Sales and Marketing Alignment Easy

Our experienced developers will handle tracking code installation, blog migration, responsiveness of templates, subdomain set up, email sending domain, and account settings to ensure you are fully and properly onboarded onto HubSpot.

We can also help with integrations, troubleshooting, and web development needs that may arise during the onboarding process. Or, we can collaborate with your in-house developers to help them get the job done.

Marketing Hub Setup & Implementation


  • Time zone setup
  • Filter out internal IP addresses
  • Aide in the setup of integrations
  • Install HubSpot tracking code
  • Integrate with Google Analytics


  • Import contacts
  • Create buyer personas
  • Create custom properties
  • List segmentation: active & static lists
  • Event-based segmentation


  • Popup forms
  • External form tracking & collected forms
  • Native forms

Email Marketing

  • Add email sending domain
  • Define physical address & email types
  • Set up marketing workflows
  • Customize email templates
  • Mobile optimization
  • Email templates


  • Live chat training & setup
  • Chatbot creation
  • Chat flow optimization


  • Connect blog subdomain
  • Configure blog settings
  • Confirm blog migration
  • Blog & content creation
  • SEO & content strategy
  • Calls to action
  • Blog templates

Landing Pages

  • Connect info subdomain
  • Customize landing page templates
  • Mobile optimization
  • Landing page templates

Social Media

  • Connect social accounts
  • Social media publishing
  • Social media monitoring


  • Create a custom marketing dashboard
  • Custom reporting
  • Campaign reporting
  • UTM link tracking
  • Filtered analytics view
  • Website traffic analytics
  • Adaptive testing
  • Multi-touch revenue attribution

Want to learn more? Do you have some questions?

Schedule some time with Taylor White now.

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